1-2 April 2022

The 2022 VAL100 Miler RETURNS to be a Night-Time Event to provide riders the ULTIMATE Social Ride . . with the experience of riding 100miles “Into the Sunrise” to ‘formally’ test your Lights, Legs and your Lycra’s – and to enjoy riding with Friends, and more importantly, make new ones.

The ultimate night ride

We start at Legends MX at MIDNIGHT on Friday 1st April 2022, and follow the backroads to Val via, Red Star Raceway and Devon to reach the Moegeploeg Pub from about 6am - Just in Time for a GREAT Breakfast or bruch ( depending on your arrival time 😉 ) The first WP will be at Redstar Raceway, 55kms into the ride, where you will be treated with their infamous Toasted Chicken, Cheese and Mayo sarmie. Fill up with Cuppachino / Coffee and/or Coke. Grasdak Guest House, Devon will be your next Port of Call ( 120km) where you will carbo-load, hydrate and freshen up for the last leg to Val. Be VERY careful here - you might arrive here during 'Happy Hour' Arrive at the Moegeploeg Pub in Val from about 6am - for a GREAT Breakfast and LOTS of WAR Stories about your survival through Coal Mines, Mielie Fields, Cattle Farms and Railway Tracks 😉 Then enjoy the antics of the BOER 'n BRIT FESTIVAL

We start at midnight

Start your Adventure